
Explore the ministry opportunities at PAG. There is something for everyone.

PAG Kids

PAG Kids provides a God-centered, kid friendly worship experience for children ages 6 to 11 during our 10am service.

Nursery and Pre-K classes are also available at the 10am service for children ages 0 to 5.

The Catalyst Youth

The Catalyst Youth is a place for students, ages 12 to 18, to come and build community, experience Jesus in a deeper way, and grow deeper in their faith. The Catalyst Youth meets on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm for students ages 12 to 18.

MDWK - Wednesday Night Programs

MDWK (midweek) is Family Night!

There is a free fellowship dinner at 6pm in the church cafe with programs starting at 6:30pm.

Programs included:

Adult Bible Studies

The Catalyst Youth

Boys & Girls Clubs

Monday Night Support Groups

We strongly believe that freedom and healing come through Jesus Christ. Having a support group made up of faith-filled christians is an important part on a persons journey. PAG offers two support groups that meet on Monday nights at 6:30pm.

Overcomers Outreach: support group for those battling addiction

Grief Share: support group for those suffering from loss of any kind

Prayer Groups

At PAG we believe in the power of prayer. We have groups that meet to pray over the needs of our church family, our leadership and our community.

Thursday Prayer: every Thursday at 11am (please enter through the church office)

First Tuesday Prayer: the first Tuesday of every month at 6pm

Monday Night Prayer: every Monday night at 6:30pm

Got questions?

If you have further questions concerning our ministries and programs, feel free to email us at