Reaching Our Community

Community outreach programs and events.

At PAG our mission statement is Changing Our World Together. We truly believe that reaching the world with the love of Jesus starts right here in our community. From a weekly food pantry, to community events and global outreaches, we are committed to meeting physical needs as well as spiritual. We are honored to be known as "the church that helps people."

Weekly Food Pantry

PAG houses one of the larger food distributions in Lackawanna County. The Helping Hands Food Pantry is a volunteer run food pantry to serves an average of 200 families each week. Residents are welcome to receive food on a weekly basis regardless of household size or income.

The food pantry is open every Friday. Registration is from 9am to 11am. It is a drive-thru style food pantry, meaning guests are not required to exit their vehicles. It is open to all residents of Lackawanna County. Please come prepared with proof of residency for each member of the household.

Honoring Our Veterans

The Bible speaks a lot about honor and its importance. We find it a great privilege to be able to honor the brave men and women who have fought to defend our nation and our freedoms as Americans. Over the years we have built strong ties with our local veterans organizations, holding events and special services to honor our heroes.

This past year, we were able to hold a special Veterans Appreciation Day with the honorable Judge Tom Munley and country singer Nate Hosie. Local veterans services were present to provide information about ways they are giving back and helping the veteran community. It was a wonderful day that brought our community together for a great cause.

Gas Buy Down

As a church we love being able to bless people by meeting tangible needs. The Gas Buy Down is a great event that helps us as a church show our appreciation to our community by helping them at the pump. In previous years we have lowered the price of gas by $0.50 to $1 and this year we gave out $25 gas cards as people were filling up their tanks. We believe strongly in being a church that is deeply rooted in community and showing our neighbors that God loves them and wants to bless them.